Christopher H Photo - FILM in the month of July

July 2020

It’s finally July!!  It was way back in November when I was browsing through Instagram and I saw on the Kodak Professional page that they were taking tagged image submissions for a 2020 calendar featuring photos taken on Kodak film.  I jumped right into my IG account and tagged a handful!  Fingers crossed…

Shortly after, one fine morning in December I received a message from Kodak that my Blueberries photo had been selected as one of the twelve images!  Beyond thrilled, is all I can say!  I love film, and I had received a few jabs and pokes when I would bring a couple rolls of film out to jobs, but here was my vindication.  Film is alive, and here were eleven other artists with beautiful film images to show.

My blueberry image was chosen for July.  I took this photo early one June morning.  I had photographed a wedding at Locust Hall the previous night, and had about eight frames left on this roll.  I took my still-loaded F5 with me this foggy, misty Sunday morning, knowing that I could wrap up those frames.  As the fields were clearing of fog in the rising sun, the blueberries were covered with little water droplets.  I could have spent an hour with my macro in those fields that morning if only I’d taken more rolls of film!
Two things as my takeaways:  #1 - Always have a camera with me.  #2 - Believe in Film! 
Thank you Kodak!! 

Know your film, trust yourself.  #believeinfilm #kodakprofessional #portra

(Be sure to expand my “projects” menu to the left to see more photos…)

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