photo journal

Posts tagged with Kodak

  1. NYC Character

    November 2023 The early morning horizon was starting to blaze a deep red glow as I stepped onto the floating dock.  This was my second light show this morning, having been treated to the lunar eclipse on my drive up to the Highlands.  It was a crisp morning with winds…

  2. Perfect Weather, Beautiful Light, Plenty of Film

    March 2023 I took a train ride!  I haven’t done that since pre-COVID.  On the seat beside me was my Hasselblad 501cm, out on an adventure.  Also along for the ride was my newly acquired 150mm lens and a few rolls of Kodak’s NEW Gold 200 120 film.  This was…

  3. Thank You KODAK!

    March 2023 My photos were featured on the Kodak Professional website and social media sites again!  Check out the individual photos further below… I use Kodak film exclusively.  My refrigerator crisper drawer is full of Kodak film (yes, literally.)  I was actually starting to plan out a few film photography…

  4. Propellers and Spaceships

    April 2022 One of my favorite museums is the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum annex - the Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia.  If you think the National Mall Air and Space Museum is impressive, then you’ve got to see the Chantilly, Virginia exhibit. I think it was way back in 2006…

  5. The Beach Umbrella

    Back in July, I was in Cape May for a beach portrait session.  Cape May is a bit of a drive, plus I have to figure summer shore traffic, so I left a little early.  No problem, though - I’d get there with some time to look for some photos…

  6. Christopher H Photo - FILM in the month of July

    July 2020 It’s finally July!!  It was way back in November when I was browsing through Instagram and I saw on the Kodak Professional page that they were taking tagged image submissions for a 2020 calendar featuring photos taken on Kodak film.  I jumped right into my IG account and…

  7. Christopher H Photo - Film Photography in Franklin Parker Preserve

    NJ Conservation Foundation’s Franklin Parker Preserve in Chatsworth is a quick 30 minute drive for me.  All back roads and no traffic, getting there early guarantees me that the hiking trails will be as empty as the streets.  Arriving just after first light and hiking the wider loops, I’ll often…

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